Call for Papers
Submissions closed
Educational institutions constitute educational public spaces with explicit and implicit language policies and multiple language practices involving diverse stakeholders. While translanguaging is common in the everyday practices of plurilingual persons, in educational public spaces these practices often still do not receive the attention they warrant.
The Institute for Educational Sciences of the University of Basel and the Schaffhausen University of Teacher Education invite proposals for the two-day international conference on “Beyond Multilingualism – Translanguaging in Education” at the University of Basel, Switzerland, 8-9 November 2021. We particularly welcome contributions from PhD students and postdoctoral researchers.
This conference takes a transdisciplinary approach to translanguaging in education. It examines how translanguaging is perceived, its impact and its implications, especially in the classroom. We are particularly interested in the relationship between everyday linguistic practices and language policies in education. To what extent are multilingualism and translanguaging taken into account as institutional issues in educational public spaces? What are the linguistic practices of various stakeholders in their diverse educational institutions?
We welcome contributions to the following broad themes from a range of disciplinary perspectives. Possible topics include (but are not limited to):
- Translanguaging as a pedagogical resource in classrooms
- Translaguaging in subject-matter teaching and learning
- Translanguaging in higher education
- Translanguaging and language ideologies
- Translanguaging in written contexts
- Translanguaging spaces
- Translanguaging identities
- Translanguaging in digital worlds
- Innovative research methodologies to explore translanguaging in education and in subject-matter teaching and learning
- Critical views on translanguaging
Abstract format
Proposals are invited for papers, round table discussion and posters. Abstracts should be in English and no longer than 300 words, not counting name, affiliation, email address of the author(s) and references. Each author is limited to a single abstract, including co-authored submissions.
Conference convenor
Dr. Edina Krompák
Scientific committee
- Dr. Edina Krompák
Institute for Educational Sciences, University of Basel, Schaffhausen University of Teacher Education - Prof. Dr. Elena Makarova
Institute for Educational Sciences, University of Basel - Prof. Dr. Stefan Keller
Institute for Educational Sciences, University of Basel and School of Education of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland - Stephan Meyer
Language Center, University of Basel - Patricia Schubiger
Schaffhausen University of Teacher Education - Tomas Kaqinari
Institute for Educational Sciences, University of Basel